iFour Team - November 19, 2020
From the past few years, technology has changed a lot and the scope of demand on Microsoft technology for project developments is quite high. Asp.net technology has proved as one of the most preferred choices among .Net software development companies.
Talking about the new ASP.NET technologies, Microsoft has recently launched Blazor Web Assembly 3.2.0. The new instances in the race are Blazor Assembly, .NET Core, .Net 5, Azure Kubernetes services, and so on. In this article, you will learn about the major ASP.NET technologies that are recently launched, and each of them in detail along with the features they have to make the app process simple for the coders.
Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 was officially launched and providing full support to Blazor WebAssembly. It is now officially ready for production use. Blazor is the favorite choice for developing the feature-rich interactive UI based on the robust, and flexible component model. It is very simple to implement Blazor UI elements with a combination of .NET code and Razor syntax. These components can handle UI events, render UI updates, and bind user inputs. Blazor Assembly consists of a proper .NET runtime executed in WebAssembly and works with all modern web browsers, both mobile and desktop.
Key features of Blazor WebAssembly
In-built components in Blazor: Various Blazor UI components allow to develop a feature-rich app. A wide range of Blazor components like Telerik, DevExpress, Radzen, Syncfusion, and more are available that work seamlessly in any Blazor app that includes Blazor WebAssembly apps.
Open-source community
Blazor has a great open-source community and ecosystem with good experience to develop great component libraries, frameworks, and more available for free use.
Another update from Microsoft is ML.NET 1.4 which makes your .NET application great with ML features. It is an open-source cross-platform to develop which comprises of Command-line-interface and modular builder develop the easy custom application using Automated Machine Learning (AutoML).
With ML.NET programmer can integrate it with their existing tools to develop and infuse custom ML into their applications by creating custom ML models for such as Price Prediction, Sentiment Analysis, Customer segmentation, Sales Forecast prediction, Image Classification, and so on.
One of the best features of .NET5 is the development of Azure applications. It comprises a blend of tools and frameworks such as docker containers, ASP.NET, microservices, data models, serverless computing, and Azure databases, DevOps, Web API, and so on. Software companies will create software based on Azure due to the amazing services provided by Microsoft Azure cloud development.
Quartz.Net is an open-source, fully-featured, and highly extensive approach for queuing or executing the jobs and schedules. This framework can be used across the application of every size offering flexibility to schedule a job with the help of asp.net development services selecting the remote server suitable for job execution. It’s easy to choose the listener on schedule II based on the specific job nature. In fact, it also manages the tasks from the queue.
For developing a software application, it is very essential to look for its security features well in advance. Using .Net, one will be less worried about the privacy and security of software application as it comprises various features like validations, encryption, code access security, and code checks. It follows an MVC (Model View Controller) architecture inclined on SoC. Just because of this, it offers web and mobile applications that are highly scalable as well as secure.
Over several years, productivity tools have been developed for certain programming languages and software technologies. When it comes to the .NET framework, it has the same chances of getting an update in the development tools. Due to this update in tools, developers of eminent .Net Web Development firms can able to develop a wide range of applications with the use of the same framework.
The .NET framework is one of the most productive platforms for software developers as it helps them to develop high-quality applications much speedier than before. This framework may use several programming languages such as C#, Python, Visual Basic, and TypeScript.
There are numerous productivity tools of .NET which recently published to bring help to the developers with their respective work. Therefore, it makes it easier for the developer to perform their software development tasks easily.
Tasks such as measuring code quality, code analysis, fixing of codes and errors, debugging, and other tasks that are taken care of during software application development.
Below is the list of some of the best .NET development tools,
ReSharper: It is a chargeable tool but it cost $200 license cost. This tool adds several things to the .NET framework for software developments such as refactoring tools, code analysis, automatically reformatting your code, and removing “using” or “this” declarations which are C# prefixes. Code editing helps you with the auto-importing of namespaces, instant code, transformations, displaying documents, and rearranging the code.
Stackify Prefix: It acts like a code profile that runs in the background while you are running your applications. It collects all the web requests and assesses them with detailed traces of what the request is all about. This tool balances web requests, finds slow SQL queries and hidden expectations. It also analyses the bad coding pattern.
LINQPad: It is a client-server application that has one client and several servers. For every query, LINQPad establishes a new server named as a class, and that runs its process and implements its queries in isolation. This isolation helps the query not to involve with each other and allows to cancel the query from the databases without getting corrupted in other application domain.
NUnit: NUnit is an open-source framework that is designed for writing and running tests in .NET. By using this tool, testing can run continuously and many other tests can run simultaneously as well. This tool provides instant results and there is no human interpretation needed. Fixes bugs as well when detected.
NuGet: NuGet is Microsoft supported mechanism. This tool allows to shares of code that defines how packages are created, hosted, and consumed. It is used to share code which is accessible to company, organizations, or workgroup.
NDepend: It is a Visual Studio extension that deals with quality code maintenance and the health of your application. The analysis and reporting system of NDepend gives continuous integration reporting and also it detects excessively complex code using its unique diagramming capabilities.
Octopus: This is the most powerful tool for the deployment of ASP.Net application and window services. It handles your development, quality assurance, acceptance testing, and production deployment. By using Octopus, you can deploy the application for production and ensures that the software has been tested before release.
We know, The choice of your perfect .Net tools will depend on its functionalities. Using these top tools for .net application development can free you from routine tasks and automate many processes, thus optimizing your performance and eliminating errors.
We will be discussing the most popular Web-application development framework from Microsoft which is used in most eminent Software development companies for their web development. Based on the latest trends, the client expectations are also increasing every now and then, demands the developers to deploy the robustness and make it a scalable web application that showcases high performance.
Apart from that, ASP.net is also included with the application monitoring and profile tool which makes the application outstanding with its performance and innovation.
Here are the best top 5 Back-end ASP.Net Framework which is as follows:
- If you are an expert at ASP.NET MVC, then you need to spare more time on some other complex frameworks but ASP.Net WebAPI is one of the best for your requirement. It works as similar to the MVC framework but though it does not have any System. Web dependency. This ASP.net framework is entirely different from the MVC and all one can do is to clone the exact code over MVC and WebAPI as the same interface or the class with a different namespace.
- Servicestack comes with an interesting set of frameworks that includes a JSON serializer, service clients, ORM, and Redis Client. One can use this set of frameworks to make sure that it has greater performance for your application. It is a refreshing framework for all of your services and web apps. It is holistically constructed with the remote-service which is a best practice that is designed to reduce the artificial complexity. It is majorly used for re-using it maximally.
- If there is a need in your application to respond to the number of requests, then caching is a very important part of the entire process. If the request and response are the same for all the requests, then the performance can be improvised by minimizing the number of operations held in the process. It offers a possible way to cache the HTTP requests coming from both the clients and the server that is using Web API. By using a few lines of code, great caching can perform for your services.
- Redis is a BSD licensed in-memory data structure store that is completely open-source. It could be utilized as a database, cache, and possibly operated as a message broker.
- With wide support for data structures such as hashes, strings, lists, sets, a range of query sets, bitmaps, hyperlog logs, geospatial indexes, streams including radius queries, it has a great demand for multi-server application. It also offers fine performance across distributed infrastructure.
- Signalr is one of the most popular back-end frameworks for the development of real-time applications. Signalr hubs can be written under the C# code language and then is added to the ASP.net application with the pages and all the APIs. Signalr is open-source over GitHub just the same as all other .Net. Moreover, the protocol specification for communication between the hubs and client is open too. It is fast and scalable with high-performance and it is one of the fastest real-time frameworks around. It is built with the same team behind the development of ASP.net MVC/ Web API. It provides support to all the old browsers as well.
Asp.Net framework is one of the widely used frameworks in .Net Web development companies that provide astonishing features, helpful for their project implementations. The very reusable code and object-oriented programming features of the ASP.NET framework decrease your operation cost to a remarkable extent. The latest trend, industry development, and customer expectation are updated to ASP.Net frameworks. While selecting the frameworks you should take into consideration both users and the development team’s perspective. The features should cover the design, development, testing, and maintenance stages. The framework flexibility should be simple and advance the development process at the same time. The framework should provide flexibility for further achievements were as the customer receives excellent UX and UI. The development teams always look for a framework that is comfortable to work with.
It is originally developed and referred to as AngularJS which is basically an open-source front-end development framework for mobile and desktop apps development. The main key characteristics of Angular includes incredible tooling feature, fabulous speed, high performance, and modules. Angular provides an all-encompassing solution and it truly a framework instead of just some suit libraries where developers can accomplish their tasks rather than looking for libraries and solutions for their tasks.
Jasmine is a powerful, incredible front-end .Net framework. It provides simple syntax that can be easily understandable. Developers can unit test using Jasmine and then execute, you can take an example for Jasmine as Jest from Facebook which adds a new level to jasmine’s set of features.
A syntactically awesome stylesheet (Sass) actually comes as an extension of Cascade Style Sheets (CSS). It offers us a large number of interesting features and functionalities that make the project development process much easier. There are many core features of Sass that include nesting, looping, the liberty to use variables, and mixins with the code. The Sass code is collated into the standard CSS as browsers cannot interpret Sass or SCSS. Sass makes it easier to get rid of the heavy coding part as it comes with a number of mixins that can be reused.
Bootstrap is one of the most popular front-end frameworks that comes with a lot of reusable, robust, and attractive styles, and its grid system is responsive and mobile-first and offers a lot of basic typography styles, comprise buttons, from inputs and rapid prototyping.
It is a developer tool and it can run from the command-line. Grunt allows minification, compiling of Sass, launching node server, documentation creation, code linting, compressing images, and unit testing. Grunt can unify the workflows of web developers and you can easily work with a new codebase and it also contains less infrastructure. Grunt speeds up the development workflow and enhances the performance of projects.
The ASP.Net platform provides rapid application development, separation of contents, easy and control toolbox with web forms and test-driven development. Nowadays companies are more focusing on using cutting-edge technologies to develop custom applications. For development purposes first thing you need to understand the technologies and their platforms. ASP.Net reduces the long lines of code required to develop large applications. ASP.Net and HTML together they generate dynamic web pages smoothly.
ASP.NET has been booming in the world of information technology. Whether you are planning to develop dynamic websites or mobile apps or business intelligence applications, ASP.NET has all the functionalities that make your application more reliable, scalable, and secure.
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